[tweetmeme]You like colour? Lickable design? Free? Then you’re gonna love this app. Saturation ties into the Adobe Kuler service, but in an über cool user interface.
When you launch the app, six circles of colour adorn the screen. Touch one, and it splits. Touch it again, splits. It’s nonsensical at first, but then you can actually see how those colours react with one another, and imagine them in your design. Get into Kuler view and you can choose from tip rated colour palettes, newly added, or search for something. And I don’t need to remind you that every bit of UI is completely lickable; designed by David Maloney. If you like the palette, you can view their hex codes, email yourself the link, or even view it in a different visualization (there’s two right now with scope for more).
Saturation is highly recommended. It’s a beautiful app, free, and if it makes you feel any better, open source. Go get it.
Very nice. Glad it’s open source. Couldn’t find the source code though. Any chance we can get a link to it?
Thanks so much for the great write-up!
Saturation is built with using cocos2d for iPhone. Shawn Roske, the developer, posted the code up here for those who are interested:
please make it for the HTC!