Pattrn is a simple and elegant wallpaper app for Android devices that pulls gorgeous (or at times chaotic) wallpapers created by the amazing COLOURlovers community and displays in the app, giving you the ability to browse through some amazing pattern-based wallpapers from the site.
Pattrn features a minimalistic ICS standard UI and is very quick in fetching the wallpaper data. It’s also quite responsive in the interactions and doesn’t feel laggy at all. Not only can you browse though the latest and popular wallpapers from COLORlovers, you can also tap on each wallpaper to view the colors used in it and browse additional wallpapers that use that specific color. Pattrn also lets you directly search wallpapers based on a keyword or #hex color codes. Every wallpaper also comes with stats like number of ‘loves’, comments, views and who made the wallpaper.
You can maintain a list of your favorite wallpapers by ‘starring’ them, so it’s very easy to browse through the huge list of wallpapers and marking the ones you want to narrow down and finally choose a wallpaper from. You can set a wallpaper as your system wallpaper right within the app, without the need to visit the gallery app. The app also maintains a list of all the wallpapers you’ve set in the past, so that great wallpaper from 3 days ago is just a few taps away. Moreover, you can also automate this process by letting Pattrn set a new wallpaper for you every day or every monday.
Pattrn is an excellent little utility to have on your Android device. It works great on both smartphones and Android tablets and I’ve personally tested it on my Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7. It has a different UI layout for the big screen tablets, but still maintains its elegant identity. You can download the app FREE from the Play Store.