All those who can effortlessly choose colours raise your hands! The medium that is the internet doesn’t quite allow me to see through the other end,…
Author: Milind Alvares
You didn’t know you needed it, until now. While working on projects, I usually maintain a list in a Things project, and check them off as…
Fever is well regarded as the best way to manage RSS, allowing you to sift through stories instead of individual articles on individual sites. However, it’s…
It’s still in beta, but a very accessible one. Just visit any flickr page, and you’ll be prompted to get into the future. The new look…
This is an app you might have imagined, but never thought would be a reality in this day. LivePitch is a world cup tracker, which combines…
MobileMe as we know is going through some UI and feature overhauls, in selective beta, these past few weeks. The latest change in the web app…