If radio on the go and beautiful UI is your kind of thing, there’s no way you can resist SnowTape for iPhone. Approved into the store…
Author: Milind Alvares
[tweetmeme]You like colour? Lickable design? Free? Then you’re gonna love this app. Saturation ties into the Adobe Kuler service, but in an über cool user interface.…
[tweetmeme]”Don’t play with the defaults”, people say. It confuses the users by adding complexity, where simplicity will do just fine. But then, there’s “Think Different”. In…
[tweetmeme]If there’s one app that’s making music happen on the Mac, it’s Bowtie. Since day one, Bowtie has supported custom themes using just HTML and CSS,…
[tweetmeme]The iPhone is one gadget that is super easy to photograph. I’ve just begun using a dSLR, and just about every shot of the iPhone is…
[tweetmeme]Our last roundup included the best designed apps of the year 2009. Well 2010 is almost finishing its first quarter, and we already have a few…