Author: Mikhail Madnani

Mikhail Madnani is the acting Editor-in-Chief of Beautiful Pixels. He’s usually the one making sure so many weather apps get reviewed when he isn’t playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or Hearthstone.

I’ve written about Contrast’s Launch Center Pro multiple times. It is one of the first few apps I install when I get a new iOS device and one of my favourite apps of all time. Today, Launch Center Pro is out with support for iOS 9 and something that Apple should have allowed a few years ago. Launch Center Pro 2.5 gets support for a Today Widget with quick access to actions of your choice. What’s funny is the app was rejected in 2011 for using Notification Center to launch apps and actions, and now it is a flagship feature…

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With the advent of Material Design, a lot of my favourite Android apps got major updates while others have been put on ice. I had mentioned Clean FM in the second edition of The Platter over 2 years ago. Up until last month when Solid Explorer 2.0 released, Clean FM was the best looking file manager on Android. Solid Explorer 1.0 was one of the most functional & useful apps I have ever bought, and it does a damn fine job of even basic things like photo management that are now absolutely painful thanks to Google Photos. Solid Explorer 2.0…

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Transistor, an action role playing game from Supergiant Games, is one of the best games I’ve played. Available on PlayStation 4, PC & Mac so far, it is now also available for iOS. We featured it in The Highlight last year and it has finally made its way to modern iOS devices. Transistor follows Red, a singer in Cloudbank. She is attacked by the Process and comes into possession of a sword known as the Transistor. When the game begins, the Transistor is buried into a man’s chest whose voice and consciousness are now within the Transistor. This voice maybe…

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With the launch of iOS 8, we saw tons of apps get widgets for the Today section of the Notification Center. Many of them just added widgets for the heck of it, like Dropbox with their useless “recent files” widget while others did great things, like Evernote. Today, we see tons of great widgets for apps and even apps that solely exist as a configuration screen for widgets. Klok by buUuk is one such app and also one of the most useful widgets on my iPhone. Globo has been the de-facto world clock app for iPhone, but what it lacks…

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Scanner Pro by Readdle received a major update today that brings it to version 6.0 on iOS. Scanner Pro is one of the best apps for getting work done on iOS and with the plethora of new features, it really should be on every iOS device out there. Scanner Pro now supports automatic scanning. You can point your camera to a document and it automatically scans it using its advanced recognition technology. It wouldn’t be featured here without a great redesign and 6.0 sports a fresh coat of paint with a floating action button seen in Google’s new iOS apps.…

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Editorial by Ole Moritz is one of the greatest pieces of productivity software ever written. It does a phenomenal job of being a simple app where you can focus on your writing, yet is insanely extensive to make you super productive. Nearly a year after its last update, Editorial for iOS is now at version 1.2. Editorial 1.2 brings some necessary updates to the iPhone interface for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Speaking of the interface, there are new glyphs in the sidebar for folders and document formats that look really good. The editor view also gets a quick…

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