Author: Patrick Patience

While spending my first 8 months away at college this past school year, I quickly learned that my somewhat healthy eating habits and tradition of home-cooked meals failed to follow me to my new place of residence. Whether it was hitting up the cafeteria for a slice of pizza, ordering in some pizza for dinner, or even just warming up some leftover pizza for breakfast, I was certainly making the most of the college experience. I had put on the acclaimed ‘Freshman 15’, and when my first year came to an end I decided it was time to get back in…

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Despite having an iPhone for about 3 years now it wasn’t until around 6 months ago that I discovered the iPhone’s Clock app features a ‘Sleep iPod’ option to run once your set timer has ended. It sounded handy for those nights where a little music is just the thing to get you to sleep; play some of your softer tunes for a bit and have them automatically stop once you think you’ll have dozed off. Unfortunately it’s not the most lulling option as your music will continue playing at the set volume until and even well after you’ve fallen…

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