An amazing resource for beautifully minimal desktops, Simple Desktops is a wallpaper resource curated by Thomas Watson.
From the site:
Do you ever feel like the only good desktop wallpapers you can find are the either the basic 15 or 20 Apple provides or solid colors? Do you often find yourself spending time looking for something that isn’t a beautiful photograph but also isn’t a gradient and drop shadowed mess with a little lens flare and some annoying copyright information in the corner?
Do you want less, but not boring? Then you want Simple Desktops.
Considering that there are currently only around 30 wallpapers in the catalog, it’s a tightly controlled list. And that’s always a good thing. All wallpapers are high resolution and a free download. Thanks to Brandon Pittman for showing me the way—I’ve got four wallpapers for my four HyperSpaces.
i love this blog, and i love and it always makes me happy when two of my likes also find each other, you two just go hand-in-hand.
one correction though, at the moment there are 160 wallpapers on the site and growing daily…
Thanks. As for your correction, I suppose the number will just keep increasing, more than we can keep up with. It’s not an important factor in the discussion anyway.
Thanks for the nice write up, and don’t be shy about submitting a few to the site!
I love the website so much, and I really like to submit stuff too!
And the fact that it’s being updated so regularly, is just plain awesome.