[tweetmeme] I was staring blank at the compose window, wondering how best to write this article. I’m just afraid I might fail this app. Currencies by Edovia is a straightforward currency converter for the iPhone with auto-refreshing currency rates. Yes, like so many other currency converters on the App Store. Who needs a single purpose app when you’re content with your current setup involving something from Tapbots or Tap Tap Tap (or both). Let me tell you beforehand, you’re about to make another purchase.
I had seen this app before, and while the screenshot sure looks good, I didn’t give it much thought. It was only after an internal email that made me check it out seriously did I realise the gravity of my mistake. The app is designed by the Dutch design guru Sebastiaan de With a.k.a., Cocoia. I had to check out the app.
From the moment you launch the app, it’s all ‘wow’. Every button feels real, and the blue heads up display is just too gorgeous to even dirty with your grummy fingers. Unlike traditional app designs, Sebastiaan has floated the Currencies window within the iPhone window which makes it stand out from the rest of your apps. Every tap is quick, responsive, efficient, and feels perfect. Oh and here’s when your head will start spinning. As you move the source/destination blocks, the insides of your iPhone’s electronics are partially revealed for a holy awesome ‘wow!’ moment!
You can just about see it before it’s gone.
The user interface is not just all about being pretty. It’s so intuitive, that if there was a manual for this app, it would involve two words, “use it”. And because it’s just about currency conversion, it ends up being a lot quicker than something like Convertbot. Highly recommended if you’re constantly converting currencies. At $1.99 at the App Store it might not be your wisest choice, but it’s more a matter for your heart to decide.
Thanks for the kind words and great post! :)
Currencies looks incredibly nice, and why wouldn’t it when Sebastiaan de With is your designer. The problem is, Convertbot from the guys at Tapbots is just as gorgeous and not only converts currency, but many other measurements as well. And for less than the price of Currencies (Convertbot is currently 99 cents, but will go to $1.99 when version 1.5 is released soon).
My reasoning:
What would you prefer, 1 beautiful woman, or 2 beautiful women?
More rational reasoning? Sure:
It really is quicker.