A traditional analog clock is far more telling of the time than a digital one. At least in this day and age. At least to me. It exhibits a much more emotional sense of what that space means to you. So it’s odd that so much of our planning is done in a list, with numbers to represent time.
Designed and developed by Jake Yanchar (@diacarta), Diacarta is an iPhone app that presents your day’s activities along the hands of an analog clock. Not just that. It denotes those activities using icons that represent most of what we do. You can define those activities by adding more descriptive data, or not. You can create new activities based on a blank icon, and it will adapt itself into your schedule. You can drag your activities around the clock, as they snap into slots and spatially arrange themselves appropriately. All of this is presented in a UI that looks like an old piece of paper you discovered between the folds of an old english literary text from the library.
Mind you, I have not used this application, so don’t hold it against me if it sucks big time. While I’m sure these skeuomorphic user interfaces look pretty, a modern categorised list might just prove to be more functional. Either wait for a review on SA (we’re waiting for the 1.1 feature update), or risk it for $2. More screenshots and video demo after the fold.