Hours — the absolutely gorgeous time tracking app for iPhone that we wrote about back in July has released its iOS 8 update a few days ago. The update adds new functionality to the app that quite literally saves you time by making it easier to manage your timers in the app.
Hours now comes with a Today widget that you can add to your Notification Center. This widget displays the Project timers that you have set up in the app and allows you to easily start/stop them with a single tap. The timers are animated, so you know which timer is currently running, how much time has elapsed in the current session as well as what the total time is for that Project. This is a really handy way to manage your time if you are working on multiple projects simultaneously. The app has also been optimized for the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices and comes localized in 10 additional languages.
Hours is available for $4.99 on the App Store and is a Free update to existing users.