[tweetmeme]We’ve mentioned Upload Robots in the past, but what if you want something closer to home? Localhostr is a web based file hosting service, which has clients for the Mac and PC.
When it comes to the Mac version, all you have to do is grab hold of the any file, invoke the dashboard, and let it go into the widget. After a quick upload, you’ll get a shorturl copied to your clipboard ready for sharing. If you have access to an account (private invites only) you’ll get past history synced across the service.
Looks good even on Windows
If you’re on the Windows platform, the application is much more powerful. I haven’t tried it yet, but judging by what I can see it can do screenshots, capture transparency, and even upload folders (they’ll be zipped up).
Best of all, it’s a really pretty, and well designed, minimal client on both platforms. And, it’s free.
1 Comment
Brilliant. Now only if Apple provided with something just as awesome for iDisk.