I don’t usually use Lorem Ipsum placeholder code, mostly because designs look odd without any real text in them. Something tells me I might be using Lorem code in my next design though.
Loremify is a one-click tool to copy Lorem Ipsum. It lets you wrap in html, specify the amount of text, and copy it to your clipboard—all in one click. Loremify features a huge display and three wide buttons. The amount of Lorem Ipsum you copy will vary depending on where you click. Minimum to the left—maximum to the right. The display updates smoothly as you move your mouse around.
Amazing execution, as you just glide over the button to change the number of words in a paragraph, or lines in a list. Click it and it’s copied to the clipboard. Okay I still doubt I’ll be using placeholder code for my designs, but I did manage some quality playtime with this beauty.
Now, if someone were to make a Loren-ify widget, that would be totally charts.
This widgets awesome, really nice. I disagree with not using Lipsum though ‘because it looks odd’, how rare is it you have client approved copy for a design you’re creating? You don’t want them focusing on your misspelled paragraph copy instead of your shiny new design you’re trying to show off.
This widgets awesome, really nice. I disagree with not using Lipsum though ‘because it looks odd’, how rare is it you have client approved copy for a design you’re creating? You don’t want them focusing on your misspelled paragraph copy instead of your shiny new design you’re trying to show off.