The App Store has proven that to have something powerful, feature rich, and beautiful, doesn’t require the largest of landscapes. And this OS X Dashboard widget has been out to prove just that since March 2007.
Minutes, by designer Kei Sasaki, is the smallest widget on my Dashboard. It’s so small, it makes the default clock look like it’s squandering pixels. It’s also one of the most feature rich widgets on my Dashboard.
Minutes is a countdown timer that allows you to execute certain actions like playing iTunes playlists, opening files, or putting your Mac to sleep, when that timer reaches zero. What’s amazing in this widget, is that its design is so well perfected, that you can’t imagine having it any other way. The smooth slider lets you wind the timer on the gorgeous pulsing dial. The buttons on the side allow you to switch between different actions, and flipping the widget reveal the context sensitive settings. Kei Sasaki has done a truly fantastic job on bringing it all together.
Download this widget. Now, someone needs to port this over to the iPhone…
very nice, but what i pity is hasn’t been updated for more than a year now. is it snow leopard savvy ?
The widget works just fine with Snow Leopard.
…except, the “time’s up” message will only show up in one Space in Snow Leopard. This is not an issue that Minutes had with Leopard. I hope this gets fixed.