For all those Transmission users out there (downloading legal torrents of course), here’s a beautiful dashboard widget to keep you company. Designed by Roberto Urso, previously known to do OS X UI mods, has created a dark minimal widget to keep an eye on torrent downloads.
Installation requires the enabling of web access, but since it’s a local connection there’s no need to configure proxies and such. Go download.
Very nice but the colour of the bars are wrong colour. Easy to fix but…
Wow, seriously cool. Ever since Apple rejected DriveTrain for iPhone I was looking for an easy way to monitor the downloads and this is better than looking into browser
Are you planning to add any more options, or are you keeping it minimal?
A sorting option would make this really useful.
Groups would be nice too, but that could be too much already.
And maybe a minimal mode like in the desktop transmission where the transfer entrys become thinner.
with 300 transfers this would be really cool.
But this is already an awesome widget. Thanks for making it