Filtry Pro Filtry Pro is a chrome-less photo editing app for iPhone. When you launch the app, it presents you with a slider to choose between…

Riposte 1.6 At launch, Riposte was my favourite app. Just like with Unread, Riposte had great in app navigation. When iOS 7 hit, I was…

When it comes to social apps on Android, the gold standard is Robin for Almost every Twitter app I’ve bought and tried has let me…

TaoMix is a really cool ambient sound generator app for iPhone, iPad and Android. It has an interesting user interface that lets you mix & match…

Pica Pica 2.0 A little over six months after we wrote about Pica Pica, the developers have just released version 2.0 on the App Store. This…

Sky Recorder is a simple voice recorder replacement for your Android phone. For a single purpose app, it is packed with a lot of features. Its…