It’s that time again. Here’s another minimal weath.. No. This is not a minimal weather app. This is not even just a weather app. It goes…
Cleartrip has been our preferred choice for travel bookings online. Not only do they offer good service and overall reliability, their website has had one of…
If you’ve been reading my articles here, you already know that I love my word games. Unlike other game genres, Word Games let me play when…
Hey there! Feeling hungry, are we? Fret not, for this week’s Platter has been served. The banner for this week was created using a photo that…
The iPhone comes with a decent calculator app that gets the job done for most people. That has never stopped me from looking to the App…
A Smoothie (or smoothy) is a typically sweet, and usually delicious drink that you may have come across. If not, Filibaba’s Smoothies will tell you everything about…