We never really needed Safari extensions until someone showed us how they could change the way we experience the web. I’m not talking about having embedded…
The AP Labs have been working on prettifying their work it seems. Today they’ve debuted a beautiful HTML5 based “Timeline Reader”, which allows you to stay…
Our last roundup of awesome iPhone 4 wallpapers was especially well received. Many asked for a round 2. Contrary to what you might think, designers aren’t…
I’ve always found creating CSS gradients difficult. I’d back and forth between Photoshop and Espresso, entering RGB numbers and approximating where I need to drop colour…
The internet has so many image sharing platforms, but none of them so far have consolidated their activities into one workflow. I reviewed Meedeor a while…
I was just going through my installed screensavers — remember screensavers?! — after getting tired of the iTunes album art screeny, when I noticed PolarClock. I…