Telegram Desktop Matures to v1.0 For a while now, Telegram has offered the choice of two different versions for using the service to chat on your…
Browsing: chat
Letterpress 3.0 Introduces Chat, Statistics, and more Letterpress, the insanely popular turn-based game originally developed by atebits (Loren Brichter) and acquired by Solebon, LLC earlier this…
Amity is a lovingly crafted interactive messaging app for iOS and Android that adds a lot of fun elements to your chats. Debuting just a few…
We all tend to share our favorite music with our friends or colleagues. Be it that hot new single that has just come out or that…
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been chatting with my buddies on Google Hangouts and Facebook using this fantastic new Mac app called Flamingo. Flamingo…