Google finally seems to be getting serious about ‘Gettings Things Done’ and is realizing the importance of “to do” lists in today’s day and age. The…
Browsing: google
Google Assistant for iPhone and iPad Now Supports Hindi and Indonesian Languages The Google Assistant app for iOS has just been updated with support for Hindi…
People have been talking about the death of RSS for a really long time. Although social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ (hah!) have become the…
Google Assistant is Now Available for iPad Google has just updated its Google Assistant app for iOS with support for the iPad. I’ve been using the…
The Growing Trend of Apps with ‘Lite’ Alternatives K. Q. Dreger notices a peculiar trend in apps by large companies and writes that a company’s ‘Lite’…
YouTube has announced some big changes to the service today, most notable being an all new Logo. The company has ditched the ‘Tube’ inside the Tube…