Start pages. Opera started it all (I think). Safari brought with it the classiest of implementations—Top Sites. But there’s always different tastes, different workflows, and different services always try and claim your startpage., the work of Daniel Box, is something that’s so simple, beautiful, for the right audience, the most useful of the lot. puts beautiful large icons of four of your favourite sites. No more. Just four large icons, floating in virtual pixels, await your mouse clicks. You can drag-and-drop choose from an extensive list of sites, with more added to its database every so often, the settings of which are saved in your browser cookies. The site also loads super fast; and Top Sites has been known for its aversion to the word ‘snappy’. I don’t know about you, but my homepage has been changed to
Have never changed my homepage from Firefox Start simply because iGoogle and all those Netvibes type things are hideous. Firefox extensions like Speed Dial and even Opera’s original implementation don’t jive with me either.
Fav4 looks perfect (although it looks like they actually think someone would put Lifehacker as one of their favorites – ha). looks nice all right. But in practice I think it is to simple. Four links – you might as well make have them as link buttons on your bookmark toolbar. I like zenstart – it has a search box and the top 150 links:
I use I think it is better than
After registration you have own address for your favourite web pages ( and you can send your own link to anybody and simply share your favourite pages with notes notes.
You can share everything except your private panels, which are password protected and hide. keyfF11 is free web application I recommend.
e.g. profile
Keyf11 is nontraditional online bookmark manager, on-line browser with sticky notes (you can save and share – bookmarks as thumbnails with notes, browse and arrange websites (size, position and save the layout of windows – ideal for HDTV) , active previews (title and favicons) of all panels, sticky notes…)
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