The last year has seen tons of social networks come up and very few have actually been worth anything. MLKSHK is like tumblr and dribbble together with some reddit thrown in. It lets you share (collect in shakes) GIFs, videos and images and like other people’s posts.
STRW is a beautiful mlkshk client for iOS. It has a very nice swipe-able pane UI with some pleasing colours. When you launch the app you are greeted with probably the best log in screen on an app ever. You are prompted to enter your details while there is a nice ocean wave animation happening at the bottom of the screen. This water animation drains away when you log in. This app lets you see your friends’, favourite, and your shakes. The best of section shows you the popular posts. The subtle buttons for the comments, saves and likes are really excellent. The app lets you view animated GIFs in another view by tapping the green play button on the image. You can post a shake from just about anywhere in the app by tapping the blue plus sign on the top right. Sharing posts to the usual places is available as well. The entire experience of using STRW with its smooth transitions and pleasing interface was ruined by a few things that I could not let go off.
When the app tries to fetch items that don’t exist, there is no notification for when there is nothing available. The view keeps trying to refresh with the spinner going on and on doing nothing until you manually change the section. Moreover, the source link below the posts does not have URL shortening and sometimes has huge URLs that ruin the experience. I hope this is addressed in a future update.
Barring this, STRW is well worth your time if you use MLKSHK and is available for Free on the App Store.