Deal In is a simple service that lets you buy and sell products. It also lets you post pictures about products you have seen but have no idea where to buy so that others can help you find the item in question. The app has been developed by Cuberto and has some spectacular animations in it.
When you launch the app you are prompted to sign in (Developers need to stop doing this) to use it. After that you are greeted with a nice and simple list of items with a bag at the bottom of the view. The fun starts here. To mark an item as wanted, you can either go to the detailed view and click ‘I want it’ or tap and hold the item cell for it to pop out like a small chit of paper and drag it into the bag. This itself makes it worthy of being on your device. It isn’t very often that developers who make their apps look good push the boundaries of animation paradigms today. The bar on the top has the app name and a button to see messages from sellers or buyers that lights up in a very elegant green on the right. Swiping to the right also has a very nice animation instead of the typical sliding pane that most apps today use. The tabs pane folds out from the left revealing a search bar and buttons for settings, logging out and a few other sections of items listed.
In concept, Deal In sounds amazing but it will only work if its user base is very large. If more people start using the app, it will become near indispensable for shopaholics. I am impressed with the effort that has gone into this app and it is definitely one of the better feeling new social networks / services out there today. The app is available for free on the App Store and is worth downloading just for the looks and animations within. They also have a nice video demo of the app with one of the best voice overs I have ever heard.