Cornerstone 4 Introduces Shelving & Checkpointing for SVN
Earlier this year, Cornerstone — the popular and possibly the best Subversion (SVN) client for Mac was acquired by Assembla. The company has been working on a major update to Cornerstone over the last three months, which was released this month in the form of Cornerstone 4.
Cornerstone 4 is the first and only Mac SVN app with support for Shelving and Checkpointing features of SVN. Shelving allows you to temporarily save your uncommitted modifications (that is, “shelve” them) and return to the main working tree. Checkpointing allows you to create checkpoints that you can jump back to when working locally. Both these features have been long requested by the community, so it’s good to see them make their way into the app.
Cornerstone 4 is available via a recurring subscription of $79/year.