We’re back with another week of The Roundup, our weekly series that highlights and showcases some incredible animations, mockups, illustrations that we come across during the…
The stunning camera you see above has been intricately crafted by Cassidy Williams entirely in CSS. Although it was inspired by this White Leica shot on…
Web design is not the same it used to be several years ago. It keeps developing with every passing year, unveiling lots of opportunities to people…
https://vimeo.com/232726373 About these At a Glance posts: ‘At a Glance’ is a new type of post we’re introducing on Beautiful Pixels. These will usually be short…
Dribbble’s official iOS app, which we wrote about back in June, has now added the ability for users to upload shots to their profiles. The folks…
Contrast is a neat little Mac app created by Sam Soffes and Matt Smith targeted towards UI designers and web developers. It provides easy access to…