Mobiles Wall is a site dedicated to being a one-stop source of wallpapers. It offers wallpapers for a host of devices, including all iOS devices, a…
Calorific is an absolutely stunning app for iPhone and iPad that helps you see what exactly 200 calories look like. The app has beautifully shot photographs…
Pretty much every camera app for iOS that has come out lately focuses only on one major feature — to improve upon the photos you’ve taken.…
Alternote is a beautiful new note-taking app for Mac that’s powered by Evernote. Currently in Public Beta, Alternote sports a host of features that make it…
I’ve often seen apps that let you use your iPad as a secondary display featured and praised highly on app review websites. Apps like Air Display…
Exactly two months ago, we wrote about Typed — a stunning Markdown Writing app for Mac from the house of Realmac Software, developers of apps like…